Knocking On Someone’s Door

“You don’t need to go knocking on someone’s door who isn’t unavailable to let them know that you too are not available for them.”

These were the words I shared with a client inside of Portal of Love in our group call yesterday, and again in my private chat with my Inner Circle ladies.

We’ve all attempted to do this in one way or another.

Convincing ourselves that we have to say our piece, that we have to stand up for ourselves.

But I ask you, if someone isn’t really there, isn’t interested in connecting or listening - who are you actually speaking to?

And could this piece that you want to say to them become a peace you create within your heart instead?

You don’t need to go knocking on someone’s door who isn’t available to tell them that you, too, are not unavailable.

You simply need to become unavailable for what doesn’t align for you.

To own your standards.

To embody them, yourself.

Be aware of trying to make someone else hear you, when the person who most needs to hear what you have to say is, you.

With love,
