Truth Be Told

Truth be told, you’re unchecked attachment tendencies are leaking all over your life.

Showing up everywhere.

In your romantic relationships, duh.

Your familial relationships.

Your relationship to money.

And one thing I don’t hear very often….

Your relationship to your CLIENTS.

Yes, if you’re a woman reading this who identifies as a coach, healer, therapist, medicine woman, wise woman or all of the above, this is for YOU.

We are doing heart centred work.

Which means, we have emotional connections with our clients.

How can we care and maintain our boundaries?

How can we show up for our clients without creating co-dependency?

How do you react when you don’t hear back from your client within a day or two? Do you trust that all is well, or do you spiral into thoughts wondering what you’ve done wrong and if they’ll ever be back?

Do you have the capacity to hold your clients in their big emotions without taking on the emotions yourself?

In this industry, we’re having to practice loving them, holding them whole while being emotionally available, within limits.

We need to practice being the giver and the receiver.

These are not easy lines to walk.

ESPECIALLY when you’re not awake to your attachment tendencies.

I promise you that your unchecked attachment styles, whether avoidant, anxious, or somewhere between the two, left unchecked, they absolutely will leak into your client relationships.

We are in relationships with everything.

You hear me?


When we disentangle and understand how to be in healthy, lovingly detached relationships, we truly set ourselves free.

And these are the conversations I love to invite women into inside of the inner circle, so that you they may set themselves free from all the over complication, the avoidance, the anxiety and come to a place where they can healthily relate to each other.

I’m playing with the possibility of creating an entire program dedicated to this topi: how we relate to our clients.

With love,
