Your Independence Is Keeping You Stuck

You’re not here to do it all by yourself. This, I promise you.

We’ve been conditioned, from an early age, to strive for independence. 

To prove we can do it all on our own.

Like a badge of “worthiness”.

But what I’ve come to know, is this radical independence is a way to survive.

….not to thrive.

Interdependence is where it’s at.

This beautiful dance between doing things for ourselves, and letting ourselves be supported.

Because this version, the one who was told she needed to pull up her boot straps, while she did help you get this far, and bless her for that, is keeping you from experiencing the depth of love that’s available to you.

That’s right.

The version of you who’s radically independent is a mask.

A response to the voices around you. A hardening of your heart and “toughening” of your skin.

A wall between you and the depth of love available for you to receive.

Feel that...

I want you to invite you into a softening.

Of your mind and body.

Opening your capacity to receive and feeling safe in doing so.

To let yourself be truly supported.

School of Love’s Inner Circle is a place where you will be held and supported like you never have before.

And in a space of such unconditional love your heart can’t help but open.

A safe heart is an open heart.

An open heart is one that can not only give love, but deeply receive it, too.

Inner Circle is my highest level of mentorship in a space shared with the most brilliant women.

And we've opened the early bird doors for an opportunity to get started NOW, receive $2k off the total investment and a BONUS 1:1 with me which is worth its weight in gold. Truly.

If you're ready to go deep and invest in yourself, hit reply and send the word DEEP, so we can start a conversation x

With love,


P.S. If Inner Circle isn’t the space for you this season, we invite you to explore Portal of Love, and if you feel like dipping your toes for now, we have our SECURE 5-day event coming so you can attune to this level and feeling of safety.

Which one will you join? x