Why My Relationship With Jack Was My First Ever Secure Relationship – Part 2

Last week, you heard my sister-friend Eleni talk about the slooooow burn.


Honestly, it’s a sexy way of relating when you let it be.


And this was one of the key shifts I made in my relationship with Jack that allowed it to unfold into a true partnership – not just a fleeting (albeit, passionate) romance.


Moving slow looked like…


<3 Allowing him to show me who he truly is, consistently, over time (rather than deciding from the get-go who he was based on just a few interactions).


<3 Seeing him a couple of times a week and then building that up over time (insisting on some evenings alone to be with friends or even just myself).


<3 Texting and speaking on the phone at a rhythm that feels sustainable – versus what so many of us do! Texting daily, multiple times a day with an excitement and frequency that neither person can maintain. And then when that drop happens it feels like your budding relationship is falling apart.


<3 Sharing the vulnerable parts of me genuinely and slowly. If we’ve learned anything from our girl Brené Brown, it’s that vulnerability is earned.


<3 And the biggest one? Taking space from talking about Jack and thinking about him! Nothing about what I teach is about faking it. It’s about embodying the shifts until they feel like your new normal.

I’m curious- which one sounds better to you…

A relationship that starts FAST, sweeps you off your feet and has you falling so hard you get hurt.



A relationship that starts slow, that you savour, and enjoy more deeply over time?


Stay tuned for Parts 3 for the other significant change I made with Jack that allowed this to be my first ever secure relationship.


With love,
