Triggers Are a Powerful Portal to Your Future Self

Screaming woman

These days, whenever I’m triggered, I actually perk up and get excited about it.

No, I don’t love being triggered and would rather be living in my happy bubble as long as possible.

But yes, I see triggers as one of my greatest agents of change. 

A trigger is a juncture, where your past, present, and future collide.

It’s a potent opportunity to look back and ask: 

“Why does this bother me so much? Why do I believe the comment that X made which causes me to feel so bad about myself? What does that mean I believe about myself?”

It’s a direct channel for more healing and soothing of my insecure inner child - the little girl with the big curly hair and a unibrow, who desperately needed to be accepted by her blonde-haired friends in the suburbs. 

A trigger offers a lens into your past and a chance for healing.

And since every bit of fear you uncover presents a new path for love, this is a very good thing.

It also creates this massive opportunity for change.

How have you typically responded when you’ve been in a situation like this before?

You now get to choose a new way, a new response, a conscious action versus unconscious reaction.

A trigger offers a portal to your powerful future - choose a new response, get a new outcome, and shift the trajectory of your life.

If you approach every trigger in this way, you will be blasted into the future version of yourself quicker than you could ever imagine - the version of you who experiences an abundance of all that she desires.

If that isn’t worth it, I don’t know what is.

Receive your triggers like the best present you’ve ever gotten, and watch yourself soar.

With love,

Triggers, Change