There’s Something I’ve Been Getting Real with Myself About Lately

Woman in bathtub

There’s something I’ve been getting real with myself about lately.

As someone who loves her “self-care” time and boasts about giving much of it to herself, I’ve recently been hit with the awareness that while I’m great at “doing” self-care, there’s much room for improvement for actually receiving the care I’m giving to myself.

Allow me to explain, because this was a mind f**k for me, too.

I have no issue or struggle with taking time to meditate, practice breathing exercises, journal, read, take baths, walk, talk to girlfriends, get massages, etc.

And yet, somehow with all this care, my nervous system is still on high-alert. 

How can this be, I asked myself?

The answer hit me like a ton of bricks:

I am putting on the mask of being in my feminine, but the masculine is still dominant. I am “doing” the self-care but not really relaxing and allowing myself to receive the full benefits.


I’m rushing, thinking, calculating.

I’m not being present and allowing myself to fully sink into the moment and

Can you relate?

The masculine part of self-care is scheduling the time for it and setting it all up. I show up and I do it.

And don’t get me wrong, I do enjoy and benefit greatly.

But the feminine, the act of fully receiving this moment with no guilt and total presence is a little on the lacking side. 

So it is my vow to myself that I won’t just “do” self-care, I’ll enjoy and receive it, too.

Will you join me?

With love,

Self-love, Feminine, Masculine, Self-care