Surrender, the Secret Sauce to MANifesting

When you hear the words surrender, you may imagine waving a white flag, throwing your arms up in the air and claiming defeat.

This is far from what it means to surrender to the flow of life - there’s not one ounce of giving up; there is however a release of control, and a choice to be led in the dance.

There are times in life where we feel so inspired, we want to get up, take action and make shit happen.

And then there are times where we feel like we’re climbing uphill with no respite - like when you go on one bad date after the other wondering who put a curse on your love life.

This is when surrender can not only save your love life, but your sanity, too.

While you may see this as taking the easy way out, I ask you to reconsider.

Choosing to trust rather than push forward, is not easy.

Letting go of expectations and inviting in the hand of the Universe, is not easy.

Surrendering, is not easy.

The mind would much rather have you try harder.

But harder, is not always smarter.

Surrendering is a conscious choice you make when it feels like you’re trying too hard.

It’s an invitation to let the Universe take over the wheel for a moment.

An opportunity to enjoy being the passenger and take in the scenery on your journey. 

Surrender means detaching from the outcome and choosing to believe that all is working out for you, even when you have no such evidence of this (and with that said, I bet if you stretch yourself, there actually is plenty of evidence).

When things don’t seem to be going my way, my survival mechanism wants to have me keep going and push through - and yet, every single time I challenge myself to let go, lean into the discomfort and relax, I am both surprised and delighted by what the Universe delivers.

When you’re anxious about how a date is going to go, release your expectations and commit to just enjoying yourself.

When you’re overly attached to things working out with a specific guy, release that too and relax into the journey of getting to know him - and more of yourself.

Surrendering doesn’t mean giving up. 

It means efforting less and trusting more.

It requires being attuned to know when you need to “do” vs when you need to sit back and be.

Surrendering can look like a prayer, mantra, and even more practically, noticing when you’re trying too hard to meet someone or keep someone around and consciously deciding to stop, put your phone down, take a deep breath and focus on something else.

I ask you to surrender not because I don’t want you to do the "thing" like go online, go to the singles parties or hire a coach.

I ask you to surrender so that you can more easily meet him when you do go online, go to that party or work with that coach.

With love,
