It’s not what you think it is…

A friend of mine asked me how and why I’m in the best and sexiest season of my relationship with Jack, yet.

My answer may surprise you.

It would be easy for me to say it’s because of all the external factors -

Like moving into a very peaceful season with our son.

And the fact that I’m in the best shape I’ve been in since getting pregnant with our second child.

That we are travelling and having so much fun.

Because business is going so well.

And yet, the truth is that ALL of these external shifts are a result of my devotion…

to checking, shifting and aligning my energetic being and to bringing my most joyful, grateful and sensual self to my whole life.

And it’s no coincidence that our son, my body and our relationship together are all reflecting this energetic shift.

It’s not hocus pocus.

The actions I take and the decisions I make are anchored in this energy.

And the people in my world love it.

The masculine (men, money, universe) love it.

I’m the most relaxed version of myself I have ever been.

This is the absolute happiest and freeest I’ve ever felt.

Not because I’m taking flights around the world, meeting my clients in person and having the most fun in my life and business -

You can do all the things in the world and make shit happen, but who you’re being is the way to launching you into your highest timeline, your sexiest love, your most abundant life with far less effort.

Prioritize who you’re being when you’re doing things and in the moments in between, and your life will be a reflection of this 🪞

Write that shit down and enjoy the ride. 🩶

(Written to you as my I stretch my legs out on this empty row on my flight to Mexico City to host the first of my global supper club series).

With love,
