How to SEE and TREAT Your Man Like a King

Couple hugging

If you’re reading this, I’m going to go ahead and assume you are with a man who is a King:

He treats himself, others, and especially you, with respect.

Should this be the case, you must absolutely read on because one of the most unfortunate things I see is women who forget to see and treat their man like a King - and then chaos ensues in their relationship.

  • They can’t seem to agree on even the simplest things, like the fastest route to get to the park where they intend on having a “relaxing” walk.

  • They are in constant subtle competition with one another (who is a better parent, cook, driver, etc., etc.)

  • The intimacy in their relationship comes to a screaming halt

  • The woman feels like she has to do it all, and her man feels like he’s never quite enough

And I’ll be the first to admit that I fall into this pattern from time to time too - I just know how to get myself out of it.

Here are some simple ways to see and treat your man like the King he truly is:

  1. Remember how you felt about him when you first met. Look him in the eyes, and see the man you first fell in love with.

  2. Practice gratitude - reflect on (and even better, write out) all the ways he is amazing and makes your life better. 

  3. Say thank you, tell him you appreciate him, compliment him - appreciation is a Universal love language.

  4. Lean in for a kiss at unexpected times (not while he is busy working!).

  5. Sit with him while he watches his favorite game or show (snuggle up and ask for nothing).

  6. Ask him his love language and do that for him.

  7. Ask him what turns him on, and what he would love more of.

  8. Laugh at his jokes and be present while he is speaking to you (can’t tell you how often I observe the opposite).

  9. Greet him lovingly when he comes in the door, or when you do.

  10. Say something unexpectedly nice.

  11. Be a QUEEN. I can’t tell you how important this one is. Treating him like a King is a lot easier when you treat yourself like a Queen - have you carved out some alone time to do what brings you pleasure? Hear this loud and clear - treating him like a King, when you haven’t yet allowed yourself to feel like a Queen can be a form of self-sabotage leading you further down the path of resentment. 

So I ask you now to imagine: what would it look and feel like to sit on your Queen’s throne and have your partner sit on his throne next to you? Two equals, eye to eye, hand in hand, living life together

I wish this for you, and every woman and man who enters my orbit.

With love,