How To Be More Attractive

Woman in field

This isn’t your average article about the top 5 ways on how to be more attractive, get a bigger booty or exude sex appeal. This is an article of truth.

“You can’t eat beauty; it doesn’t feed you. I knew it wasn’t a thing I could acquire or consume, it was just something I had to be.” Lupita Nyong’o

I find that people are often so far off the mark in terms of what vibe they give off and consequently, what message they are sending out to the world. They do not realize the negativity that permeates through their words, actions and even their stares. And yet they question why they can’t make friends, get their dream jobs or find that special love. This is my overly simplified guide on the top 5 ways of creating a positive aura around you, so that you can attract everything, anything and anyone, into your life.

Do What (Truly) Makes You Happy

All too often, people try to fit themselves into a mold of what they think will make them happy, in an attempt to lead “fulfilled” lives. They go for drinks, dinner, dancing and movies – the obvious options. This is great if this is what you genuinely enjoy doing. My advice here is to spend your time doing things that will create such an overwhelmingly positive vibe around you, that is palpable and nothing short of contagious; whether it be reading, yoga, staring at the clouds, dancing in the rain or having a glass of smooth wine while you watch the sunset. Become a physical manifestation of joy (and ultimately, the most attractive person possible) and watch yourself become a real life magnet to more awesomeness in your life.

Laugh, Smile and Be Merry

Whatever you do, laugh! Our physiology actually changes when we laugh; we stretch muscles, breathe faster and therefore receive more oxygen. And on that note, don’t underestimate the power of a smile either. Besides releasing stress, smiling can boost your immune system and give you that needed rush of adrenaline. I don’t think I have ever dated or gone on a date with a man, met a new employer or friend who has not complimented me on my smile. Smiling makes you appear happy, rested, confident – and exuberantly sexy.

Stop and Smell the Roses – literally

I don’t think anything can make a person more attractive than taking the time to enjoy the simple things and moments in life. There is just something about a man or woman who can walk slowly enough to appreciate the world around them and fast enough to get wherever they may be going. The calming effect of enjoying your journey, noticing how beautiful the bare branches look aligned with snow, or how adorable the laughing children are or how beautiful the roses smell, is priceless. Become a person that enjoys each present moment and watch each moment get better; while you seeming reverse in age and increase in good vibrations.


We as beings of the Universe are meant to give and receive. While most of us are usually fixated on what we can get and how fast we can get it, a person who gives is a true breath of fresh air. This could be as simple as holding the door for someone, paying their coffee just because you feel like it or giving someone a compliment. A giving person is like a ray of sunshine, which people and opportunities will be drawn to like a warm blanket.


Conversely, don’t be afraid to receive. Say thank you when someone gives you a compliment or pays you a nice gesture. Be charming, humble and know that it is your birthright to receive as much light as you give.