I’m Sexy, Awesome- And I Know It

greyscale woman on couch

Too many women are too afraid to admit, even to themselves, how amazing they are.

Whether they consider it a fashion, or something they truly believe, they continue to put themselves down, by refusing to see all the elements of awesome, that they have been blessed with. And quite honestly, the tired ol’ game of self-deprecation is just that: tired & old.

Gone are the Days

I for one, refuse to join in on the choirs of women singing I hate myself songs. I hate my hair, my thighs, my nose, I hate I hate I hate. Don’t get me wrong, I do occasionally find myself having ill thoughts such as “if only my legs were slimmer or my breasts bigger” - but these thoughts last all of half a second, before being taken over by a more powerful thought of: “Wow I’m amazing”. For those who haven’t heard - gone are the days of low self-confidence and complete self-consciousness. Loving yourself is definitely the new cool, and I have to say, there is really something to it.

Say Thank You Dammit

When a man or a woman gives you a compliment; embrace it, look agreeable yet humble..and dammit, say thank you. But don’t just stop there. Share this self-love with your fellow, dazed & confused sisters. Tell women they are beautiful when you feel compelled to do so. If a woman is spewing jealousy and attacking you with her green-eyed monster, be kind and show her that she too is amazing.

Some call it arrogance, I call it gratitude. Hold your head up high and realize that you are not your body, you are the powerful spirit that resides inside. Your body is a place for you to live; so love it, take care it of and give thanks for it.

Because I don’t know about you, but I am not the slightest bit ashamed to admit that I’m sexy, awesome - and I know it.

Peace, love and awesomeness,
