Have You Ever Felt Stuck In A Holding Pattern?

If you’ve ever felt stuck in a holding pattern waiting for your partner to change, this is for you.

Just a couple of years ago, I found myself in the same pattern.

I was convinced that my happiness was absolutely reliant on this one change I desired my partner to make.

I mean we have kids together; of course his decisions impact me, right?

How many times have you found yourself saying something like this?

And how did it go for you, to wait and hope and stand certain that this one thing was the answer to your happiness?

Where were you in all of this?

How much of yourself did you lose in this holding pattern?

Where did your personal responsibility for your own happiness go?

When I step back into my timeline two years ago, I can tell you that I robbed myself of joy for a year.

Not because I didn’t have any sense desiring what I desired, but because I approached with such constricted control, there was never anyway that would work out the way my mind (notice I didn’t say my heart), imagined it.

Yes, my partners choices impact my life -


still there is always a way for me to stay sovereign…

In my life.

In my choices.

In the way I show up.

In how open I remain to seeing another way.

In how committed I stay to my vision.

Your sovereignty, your personal power, is always, always, always, available to you.

And your ability to call on this personal power is what determines the alignment of your life.

The alignment in your relationships.

It is your one greatest resource when you learn to harness it.

This is exactly what we will do on day 1 of Sovereign Love, my upcoming 4-day (selling for a whopping $88 this week before it rises next Monday).

This will change your life.

Ready to change it with me?

With love,


P.s. Those who sign up get LIFETIME access to this class.