Boys Will Be Boys

“Boys will be boys” she said.

Yesterday I was at the park with my kids when I heard one of the moms saying this as we watched our sons wildly playing together.

While one part of me agreed, the other understood the very real consequences of labeling people.

If we so easily accept that boys can be violent, inconsiderate and push boundaries, what becomes of these boys who grow into men?

I believe the answer lies in the world events we’ve been witnessing over these last few days (and long before).

What if we create a new narrative about boys that includes kindness, compassion, softness, and the capacity to love?

What would change if we valued the feminine?

And what might be possible when we allow for the sacred harmony between masculine and feminine within our own selves?

Balancing between…

the one who allows space and the one who takes action.

the one who feels and the one who moves on.

the one who rests and the one who moves.

the one who receives and the one who gives.

the one who thinks about relationships and the one who thinks about outcomes.

the one who shows emotional strength and the one who shows physical strength.

Harmony, sacred union, better together.

This is what I’m here for.

These are the kind of conversations I yearn to have.

And these are the kind of conversations we do have inside of my inner circle.

Witnessing, noticing, observing our tendency to value our masculine traits and disregard the feminine ones.

And the chaos that’s created in our world, our relationships, our home and ourselves when we value one over the other.

We truly are better together.

Harmony from the inside, out is what is created in this space.

We are opening one spot in my inner circle within the next month, if this speaks to your heart, then let’s talk.

Here’s to remembering how sacred and connected we truly are.

With so much love,
