Can We Talk About Over Flow and Motherhood For A Minute?

I’ve been thinking about this, a lot.

Observing the hundreds of women I’ve closely supported, and the ways in which they feel bogged down by daily life.

And the ways in which 𝘐 can feel bogged down by life.

I too feed my kids endless snacks and have to decipher my baby girl’s language to discover that screaming “nana” and pointing at our kitchen counter means she wants milk.

There is no secret staff in the background taking care of these things for us.

We have our house keeper, bless her and my in laws who live nearby who we call on from time to time.

I have two children (18 months and 5 years old), run my own company, we have multiple rental properties, and everything else that makes up our full lives (I committed to eliminating the word “busy” from my vocab years ago).

I get the grind.

And, still, there are ways I get to be the receiver in my life. Even in the relationship with my children.

Showing them I have boundaries and that I honour myself by explaining that I need to sit down and have a proper meal before I bring them anything else.

Getting back to “work” one month postpartum because the calls I have with the humans I work with light my soul the f*ck up and they feel like part of my sanctuary.

Giving myself the grace to read my book while I watch them in the bath vs should myself into anything else.

Being present with the gift of their laughter and allowing myself to fully soak it in.

Prioritizing my connection to Jack and intentionally carving out time for us to be solo.

Taking care of myself by going out for a walk before dinner, and when my son asks me why, saying that I love being in my own company and want to have some me time.

Letting the really hard moments feel like LIFE, rather than sacrifice.

And giving myself permission to not got any of this perfectly but to devote to the ways in which I want to experience my life with all my stumbles and detours in between.

Motherhood asks and gives us, so very much.

And still I know in my heart of hearts that most of us can be receiving so much more by letting ourselves matter.

You get to be in overflow.

From how you experience your body to how you let those around you love you, and nurture, you.

It gets to be this way.

And if it doesn’t feel this way for you now, know that I’m here holding the vision for you.

With love,
