If Hippie Means Happy, I'm Ok With That

peace sign

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How do you define a hippie?

I’m often referred to as a hippie because of my peace loving ways and my ability to remain in a relatively constant state of happiness.

Sometimes though this reference isn’t necessarily meant as a positive one. But if hippie means happy, I’m ok with that.

I don’t believe happiness is something we should chase after, because that strain of trying too hard to achieve something will inevitably cause…unhappiness.

Instead, I think most of us can, without forcing it, work towards shifting our mindsets to a “hippie” mentality (which by the way, I would be so lucky to have this mindset, but in fact, have a long way to go).

I’m not suggesting that we all live our lives without a care in the world, any plans, or any real direction. What I mean is, adopting a little more of a “don’t worry, be happy” attitude and garnering a lot more trust in ourselves and in the Universe/God/Krishna/Allah’s plan for us.

I also think we could all benefit from the values of peace & love that the hippie culture is so infamous for (which consequently leave no room for violence). And it’s definitely about time that we start rejecting the push of pop-culture and the status quo for social customs – and that we take a stance for our own beliefs and ideals of music, art, love…LIFE.

Our definition of freedom is far from accurate and I think hippies and their liberalism, left wing, idealistic perspectives are worth looking into.

If hippie means happy, why shouldn’t we be ok with that?

Peace, love and hippie happiness,


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