Harnessing Your Visualization Powers

Blue Eye

We’re officially halfway through 2017! I hope that you’re feeling great about how this year’s going so far. And if you feel like you need a little help in the making ish happen department, I’ve got a little trick that can help you create wonders.

It’s a simple (and yet not always easy) thing to do called visualization.

I’ve been practicing bringing this into the different areas of my life (sometimes with more success than others): money, love, business, family, health, so much good stuff.

Earlier this year, I was hired to speak at a weekend retreat. It was a big deal because I was hired by someone I’d never met to speak to a group of people I wasn't familiar with for an hour and a half. So, I was majorly prepping for it, which meant working with my public speaking coach - and a lot of visualization.

I imagined being there so many times. How I would enter the room, what I would say, how I would stand, how the audience would react and engage with me. I visualized everything from my outfit, down to my hand gestures. And it worked like magic.

By the time I got there, I felt like I'd already been there so many times and it all felt so natural! Really freaking cool. These results aren’t uncommon. In fact, pro athletes, like basketball players, do this often. They practice getting the shots in so many times that they actually create a neural pattern that their muscles follow.  So by the time they hit the courts, their minds can't decipher the real thing from the visualization of it, and the shots they practiced in their minds are now happening more effortlessly in real time. The mind and body are literally trained to perform the imagined skill. Pretty cool, right?I suggest doing this visualization after a few minutes of meditation, when your mind and body are feeling a little calmer. Keep your eyes closed and see in your mind’s eye living out your dream. Picture it in as many details as possible. Even if all you can muster up at first is an image of you smiling, start there and let the details fill in as the days go by.

So if you're up for it, I invite you to incorporate this into your daily routine. Just 5 minutes of imagining yourself in that great job, in your abundance of wealth and health - in that perfectly harmonious relationship.

What the mind can see, it believes and achieves. Let's get this July.

Peace, love and visualization,
