"I hope you will give yourself the permission to deeper love"

"It had been 8 years since I was in a romantic relationship. I had casually dated some people but nothing felt aligned. I was also carrying a fear of commitment. I felt stuck in my love life so I decided to take the leap and join Diana's program. About a month in, I was able to quickly see why I was attracting partners that didn't feel aligned. Shortly after, I met my boyfriend, Massimo, and knew right away he was my king. I feel completely aligned in this partnership, deeply loved, deeply seen and deeply accepted for who I am. I'm allowing myself to receive support from the group, my partner and the universe which is so nourishing. SOL program is teaching me the beauty in receiving, not always doing. I’m having more courageous conversations, something I avoided in the past because I was afraid it would lead to abandonment. I love having an embodied Queen coach like Diana who's a great role model on how to embody your Queen self. I'm forever grateful I joined this mastermind and I hope you will give yourself the permission to deeper love and just like I did, join the program."

Vanessa F