You’re Not Going To Break That Pattern

You’re not going to break your patterns.


I know this sounds harsh, but, it’s intended to set you free.


Just like we never get rid of our limiting beliefs completely, we similarly carry our patterns with us.


But the awareness of our patterns, and the acceptance of them, allows them to have less of a hold on us.


Now, when I say acceptance, I don’t mean you are a victim of your patterns – bound to them forever.


What I do mean, is a softening around the presence of this pattern.


This softening creates less resistance, and this lesser resistance allows space between you and the pattern.


It may always be there, but you get to walk further away from it.


Making new empowered choices that align with how you desire to be and move through life.


So rather than getting frustrated or mad at yourself when you see your pattern reemerging, what if you simply acknowledge it, give yourself some grace, and gently make a choice that feels more aligned for you?


This has been a deeply powerful practice for me; one that has offered me the most release of my limiting patterns.


Will you try this on?


With love,
