Your Partner Is Manifesting You, And You Are Receiving Him.

I love supporting women who are calling in love.


Helping them to connect to their soul desires, while bringing their perfectly imperfect human selves along for the ride.


Discerning if their asks are coming from a place of ego expectations, or soul standards.


And claiming what they want with such divine clarity that the masculine (read: men and the Universe), have no choice but to deliver.


It’s a journey, with twists and turns.


And every time I help anchor them back into their vision, their unique truth, a part of them heals and their partner gets that much closer to finding them.


That’s how we talk about it in the Inner Circle; rather than feeling like they have to find this elusive partner, like a needle in a haystack, we open up to the infinite ways they get to be found.


Their partner is manifesting them, and they are receiving him.


When I see them getting stuck in the when and how, I invite them into detachment and invite their soul’s wisdom to shine through.


Interestingly, their ego expectations and soul standards are often pointing to the same desire – but the nuances and subtleties between the two make all the difference.


Are they trying to control the when and how what they want will be delivered?

How’s their tone of voice? Inflated, deflated, or grounded?

What’s the energetic feeling behind the thing they’re asking for?


I f*cking love this process.


Where there’s no absolute right or wrong.

But there’s the truest true for you.


For example, one woman in the group knows with certainty her path is offline and that being online right now is a major deviation and energy leak. She spends enough time out in the world living her life, with a plethora of openings for her love to come through.


We honour that.


While another woman wants to go offline because she resents that he isn’t here yet. We help her hold a light to this and remind her that being online is one avenue of many.


We stretch her.


It’s beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, to honour each woman as the unique soul expression she is, while creating the most delightful life of love in her human form.


Mmmmm how lucky am I, to get to witness these courageous women’s journeys?

And how lucky are they, to be held so wholly and supported so deeply?




With love,
