Your Desire Is More Powerful Than Your Disappointment.

"Your desire is more powerful than your disappointment."

This is what I shared with a woman inside of The Portal of Love who felt disappointed by what her partner didn’t do for her over the holidays.

We all know the model of manipulating with your disappointment to (try to) make your partner feel bad enough that he’ll change.

You’ve likely seen your mothers and their mothers do this, too.

To no avail of course.

The disappointment will pull at the heart of a good man; but it’s your desire that catapults him into action.

Can you speak more to what you would love, what it would do for you and how it would make you feel - than speaking to the pain, the sorrow, the disappointment?

We usually do the latter because it’s a reflection of what we focus on - the hard stuff and the things that are lacking.

But there is always another stream.

Feel into the disappointment, yes.

Alchemize pieces of it within yourself, then as you communicate your desires and let him know how receiving them, from him, will help you to continue alchemize even more, you’ll find yourself getting exactly what you yearn for.

And with your appreciation, he’ll feel blessed to be the one providing for you.

The Portal of Love has its doors open to you. If you've been feeling the call, now would be the time. Price rises in March to match the expansion of this space. DM me PORTAL to get started. x