You Don’t Have To Learn How To Be In Love

“Now I have to learn about masculine and feminine energetics”

“I have to take this course on being more feminine!”

“I just want to be in a relationship!”

Yesterday in a conversation with Bek Antonucci, she shared that this is what some of her clients are saying -

They feel like they have to master every skill and energetic to meet and stay with a man because of the millions of coaches telling them to.

I want you to hear me loud and clear when I say, if the only thing you “learn” to do in this life is feel safe in your body, it will take care of the rest.


When you feel safe, you’re most relaxed.

When you’re relaxed, you’re most yourself.

When you’re yourself, you’re most magnetic.

You could take courses on communication (I have a GREAT masterclass on this), learn about masculine and feminine energies and polarity -

I teach some incredible material on this.

But at the end of the day, you don’t need a communication formula to follow -

when you feel safe in your body you will naturally use different words, have a different tone, and listen more deeply.


Communication mastery right there.

You don’t need a course on feminine energetics (although you get to take it if you want to because it’s fun!) -

when you feel safe in your body you will naturally tap into your feminine and your masculine qualities without having to overthink it.


Feminine energetic mastery right there.

You truly do not need to become anything you aren’t already; the safer you get, the more you naturally access all that’s already there.

This is the journey that I have mastered working closely with hundreds of clients.

It’s the one that calls in the man and turns up the love and passion in your existing relationship.

It’s the one I know some of you reading this are ready for.

With Love,
