You Can Be Both

You can be joyful and sad. Happy and mad. In love and full of resistance.

Duality can (and does) exist within you.


We talk about duality a lot in School of Love™ because it gives us permission to relax and just be…all that we are.


When you can begin to accept that two opposing states can exist in one entity, the veil of confusion starts to lift.


It starts to make sense to you…


That you can love your partner and still question if they’re the right person for you.


That you are grateful for your life and sometimes feel so damn lonely.


That you know you feel both expansive and deeply sad when thinking about leaving your relationship.


That you trust your partner but sometimes you don’t, because you don’t always trust yourself.


It’s a dance between love and fear. A dance you’ll be doing your whole life.


From my experience, when you accept that the two states can exist within you, you stop battling the duality and start making space for your highest truth to emerge.


What a gift.


With love,
