Why You Need a Relationship Vision

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You and I both know the value of a vision when it comes to business. It helps clarify what you want and serves as a roadmap for getting you there. But, have you ever considered what a vision could do for your relationship?

Whether you’re single or coupled up, a relationship vision is your best friend when it comes to creating the kind of love life you want & deserve.

If you’re single, your vision helps set the foundation for the relationship to come, and to help you put the wheels in motion for meeting the kind of person who will seamlessly fit into your vision. When you live the life you’re hoping to share with someone else, you attract and are more attractive to someone who’s living in a similar way.

The law of attraction is at play, meaning like attracts like in vibe. This doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll meet someone who likes the exact same things you do (which has its advantages), but it does mean you’ll meet someone who reflects back to you your overall “vibe”. This vision helps you to be intentional about the kind of life you want to live, the kind of man or woman you want to be with and the life you want to create with them. It’s akin to a business’ mission statement: it gives you clarity & direction.

If you’re in a relationship, the vision helps you get honest and on track. It serves as a roadmap and a check-in point for how you’re living and how you’re being in your relationship. Are you giving to yourself and your partner what you want to receive? Are you carving out time in your day, week, month, year to live out this vision?

It’s a good idea to create this vision as a couple. Even if you don’t go as far as writing it down, talk often about the kind of life and relationship you’re building together.

So, what do you put in this vision? Anything and everything that matters to you.

I invite you to contemplate, imagine and write out the vision of your current or future ideal relationship. Write it in the present tense using positive statements; so instead of saying “we never say mean things when we argue”, you could say, “we remain respectful towards each other, even in the throws of an argument.”

This relationship vision is your opportunity to get real about what really matters to you and it deserves your time.

The intention is to become a deliberate creator of your reality - and YES, of your love life. Because, you really can have it all, as long as you get clear about what all means to you.

Seeing is one step closer to knowing and 10 steps closer to believing. Because even if that relationship is not in your reality just yet, it can exist in your powerful mind and radiate from your loving heart until it is.

Peace, love and positive relationship visions,

Diana. X