What Does It Mean To Be A Sovereign Queen

Woman with Crown

I’ve been working with a High Priestess teacher for the last couple of months and one of my latest assignments was to uncover my Divine Feminine Archetype.

One of the archetypes that came through? 

The Sovereign Queen, but of course.

What does this really mean?

I’m going to share with you the way I feel it for myself (notice I didn’t say, “understand” it - this is way more of a feeling concept).

Being a Sovereign Queen is a commitment to coming home to yourself.

To coming back to the question, “what’s here for me to see, learn, experience?”

To knowing that there’s been no curse placed upon you.

That what you desire is yours to have.

That what you suffer from, is yours to make peace with.

That any “soul contracts” you feel bound to, are yours to release.

It’s about being the Queen of your own Universe, and making space for your King.

Your King being both the masculine aspect of yourself, and the masculine energy in your man.

A Sovereign Queen doesn’t throw around blame and shame.

She anchors in the truth of what she feels and knows to be true, and shares this truth from her heart with words dripped in love.

Even when those words are, “I need to go my own way now.”

She feels her fear and turns towards it. Loving it, nurturing it and making peace with it.

She knows she is here to experience a full range of emotions, and welcomes the highs and lows.

All the while, holding herself whole.

She is no one’s victim.

She finds the light in the cracks and magnifies it with the power of her fierce heart.

She is me.

And if you’re willing for it, she is you, too.

The women I work with all learn how to come into their Sovereign Queen self.

And it’s a gift that lasts them a lifetime.

What does being a Sovereign Queen mean to you?

With love,
