The Truth of What you Really Feel

When it comes to having courageous conversations, emotional awareness is where it’s at.


It takes courage to sit with ourselves, and to feel what’s coming up for us, good or bad.


We so often want to run from our feelings - the courage lies in naming and being with them - and the rewards of this are plenty.


In order to share what we feel with someone else, we need to be in touch with those feelings.




When we actually take time every day, even multiple times a day, to notice how we’re feeling, why we’re feeling that way, we can develop our own emotional vocabulary.


All it takes is 30 seconds to stop, reflect inwards, and understand the feelings our body is holding on to.


The more emotional awareness you have, the more in tune you are with how certain emotions and feelings trigger you and your body.


…and the stories that lay beneath them.


If we don't pay attention to these feelings, they will only get louder and more persistent.


If we do take the time to get down on the level of these emotions and really hear them, see them, and feel them, they don’t need to be quite as adamant about getting our attention.


Try this -


Close your eyes or hold a soft gaze.


Take a  moment to move in any way that your body is still wanting you to move.


Start to notice your breath and imagine yourself taking a spiral staircase down from your head into your heart.


Then, take another spiral staircase down to the navel, dropping your breath into that space, placing your hands there, noticing how you feel, and naming it.


Then another spiral staircase down to the soles of your feet, feeling the energy spiraling down, feeling yourself grounding and grounded.


Place your hands where you feel the most energy flowing.


Name the feeling.


And ask, what’s the story beneath this feeling.


Sit with that feeling and story for a few moments.


Open your eyes and notice how that experience, while fast, was so impactful.


And now, with this awareness, you can courageously communicate, if you discover you need to, the truth of what you really feel.


With love,
