Tell Your Man You Need Him

There’s a difference between being needy and needing your man.

Neediness energy implies that your well being and happiness rest on his shoulders. A weight that feels like a burden for him to carry and turns his passion into pressure.

Which is the opposite of spacious love (you can DM me to get your hands on this $44 masterclass).

However when you let your man know that you need him from a grounded and secure space, it’s sexy AF and turns his instinct to provide for you all the way on.

When you let him know that he makes you feel safe, stable, supported, seen and desired…

When you let him know he’s your hero…

The floodgates of love open for the both of you.

This is the kind of energy that becomes easily and readily available to you inside of my mentorship space, SHE WHO RECEIVES.

We step into next level receivership in this space.

A full mind, body, spirit experience.

This is for you if you’re ready to open to him.

To open to life.

To receive love, money and pleasure in overflow.

This is a 5-figure investment for the woman who’s ready.

DM me if you’re the one X

With love,
