Taking Off the CEO Hat in Your Relationship

Woman holding a mug

Earlier this year, I gave a masterclass for a group of high-performing women called Taking Off the CEO Hat in Your Relationship.

I bet you can see why this would be relevant.

I also bet you’re a lot like the women in that group.

You’re the captain of your work life and the captain of your home life.

You’re used to getting shit done, and you know how to delegate. 

So why wouldn’t you do that at home, too?

You do it because it’s “easy” - it’s your tendency.

But I can tell you without a doubt, that it’s also getting in the way of your past, present, or future relationship.

Wondering some of the ways you’re being the CEO in your relationship?

→ Making decisions without consulting with your partner (in some cases this is empowered, in other cases, it’s inconsiderate)

→ Assuming you know what’s best for your partner - how he should spend his time, what he should eat, what he can do better, etc., etc.

→ Weekends are spent doing what you believe are the priorities.

What I see a lot with the women I work with, especially those who are married and have families:

  • She becomes the organizer of the house - since women have diffused awareness, we can see alllllll the things that “need” to get done.

  • And since she can’t possibly do it all alone, nor should she, she delegates out to her partner.

  • She takes on the masculine “organizational” role. Which takes her so far away from her feminine energy that she feels disconnected and less inclined to be in her sensuality and sexuality. 

  • Her man’s preferred way of connecting and something that feels so instinctual isn’t met.

  • He’s frustrated and emasculated.

  • She suffers, he suffers, the relationship suffers.

Relationships need polarity - the pull between masculine and feminine energy. Like the pull between yin and yang. They can’t help but be drawn together and stick together.

Without this pull, you’re either going to “compete” for the masculine role in your relationship or you “win” the battle, naturally forcing him into a more feminine position - which I can almost guarantee you won’t love.

So what’s the deal -- how can you begin to escape this trap?

I would actually love to turn this question back over to you and ask, Where can you let go a little and lean into receiving rather than doing?

The sweet spot is in finding the balance between the energies within you. Are you truly balancing the “doing” energy of the masculine, with the “being” energy of the feminine?

I know there’s a lot to get done, trust me, I do. And still, I challenge you to challenge this thought.

Start by simply imagining what leaning back would feel like.

Chances are, it feels pretty damn good.

Let me know how it goes, will you?

With love,