Stop Competing With Your Partner

When you’re in a disagreement with your partner, notice how competition begins to arise.


Him trying to prove his point.

You trying to prove you’re right.


Yes, competition can be healthy in very specific contexts, but in most, it separates you from connection and love.


Competition is a masculine energy quality. While the feminine invites collaboration.


The next time things get heated with your man, try leaving space between the trigger and your response.


Steer away from competition.


Not because you are complacent.


Far from it, actually.


But, because you are wise.


Wise enough to know that the competition, the butting heads, the forceful energy is not going to bring you closer or even get your point across – it only amplifies his masculine tendency to compete and pulls you out of your feminine.


Your mind may want to resist what I’m saying.


But a deeper part of you knows this is true.


Save your energy, sister and draw him into collaborating with you.


Step into the shoes of your wise woman self and watch your relationship begin to take new shape.


This, I promise you.


With love,
