Putting Your Inner Child in the Backseat

Would you ever drive away from a screaming child?


This was a question I posed to one of the ladies in my Inner Circle a couple of weeks ago.


Of course, her answer was a resounding, ‘I would never leave any child behind!’.


“Well”, I said…”this child represents your own inner child.”


She may sometimes scream, stress you out, make you question yourself. But you cannot leave her behind.


She gets to come with you, along for the ride.


In fact, she needs to.


BUT, she doesn’t get to be in the driver’s seat. I mean she’s a child, that is simply not a safe choice.


It’s also not developmentally appropriate to give children big life choices to make – so why do we allow our own inner child to make so many decisions for us?


Your inner child’s fears need not be your enemy.


She needs your loving attention.


AND, she needs boundaries.


Like any parent/caregiver knows, boundaries make children feel safe.


With boundaries and love, she will heal and thrive with you as her guide.


She is both separate from you and one with you.


So rather than trying to ditch your fears and the versions of you that throw all kinds of tantrums, why not invite them into your backseat?


With love,
