Medicine For Your Relationship

“Your smile is a curve that can make things straight”.


Mmm this was one of my favorite lines from Jack’s marriage vows to me.


It’s something that I remind myself of regularly.


“Smile, Diana. It changes everything.”


And I want to remind you, too.


That your laughter, your smile, your joie de vivre are powerful alchemists.


Like medicine for your (sometimes aching) relationship.


With the power to shift you both from fear to love.


You know, like when you’re in the middle of an argument and at some point you realize you don’t even know what the f**k you’re talking about anymore?


A burst of laughter can cut right through the noise and bring you back into connection.


Not everything needs to be deep and heavy.


Some of my most connected, most delicious moments with Jack are when we’re in deep belly laughter together.


And then I’m reminded…


ah yes, it is safe to be light, it is safe to have fun, it is safe to laugh with my partner, let down my guards and let love in.


I know my smile can change the energy of a room, and light up my man’s heart.


And so, I will do more of it.


More laughter, more heart felt smiles.


Are you with me?


With love,



P.S. Thank you to my mentor Elisa Canali, for reminding me of this powerful medicine xo