Manifesting In 5d

When we talk about “manifesting” the love you want or creating your desired reality inside of your existing relationship, there are two realms I love to play in:


The physical realm, aka your 3d reality.


And your energetic realm…in the 5d.


Both are equally powerful and necessary.


Feeling into what we desire, seeing and feeling ourselves already living a certain reality – this is where we get to play without limitation.


Sometimes, it might be the only place we get to play.


Like for example, when we want to have a healing conversation with someone who’s already passed, or with someone who you know doesn’t have the emotional capacity to have this kind of conversation with you.


You get to “play” in the energetic realm.


You can imagine sitting face to face with this person, in the most loving, healing space to “hash things out”; where you both get to speak as the highest versions of yourselves.


The energetic realm is where I love to begin when I’m in creation mode.


What’s my desired reality?


How will it feel to be there?


Where and how I can I feel that way now?


For example, when I imagine my life, it truly feels like one big celebration.


That’s why I chose celebration as one of my words this year. To remind me to feel the energy of celebration, often.


Like when I’m relaxing with my baby and husband midday during a time of day I may have typically been worried about “work” – I take that moment in, and let it feel like celebration in my body.


And then of course, comes the “doing”.


What steps do I need and want to take to make my vision a reality?


Day by day, I take those steps.


Some of which are micro steps, like how I want to greet my family every morning when I wake up.


Some of which are larger in scale, like launching a group program that is fulfilling on both a soul level, and a financial one.


Playing in these two realities, when seen as a privilege rather than a means to an end, changes everything.


We have the privilege of being alive. Of being spiritual, energetic beings inside of physical bodies.


Why not make the most of it?

With love,
