How The Feminine Actually Leads

How many times have you waited on a man to set the date, make the plans, initiate the conversation?


It’s beautiful when it happens; it’s powerful to sit in that calm patience.




What I want to clarify here is that part of the true feminine essence, is to lead.


To lead with her desires.


To make her standards known.


To open up to dialogue about what she needs and wants in a relationship.


Put into practice, this looks like telling the guy you met online that you’d like to have a facetime call before meeting in person, or spending your energy texting someone for weeks, who you really don’t know.


It looks like letting your partner know you’d like a date night and asking him to plan something special.


It looks like telling him what kind of food you want to eat tonight, and perhaps even the exact place, and letting him take care of the rest.


Where the feminine gets to say the “what”, and the masculine gets to take care of the “how.”


This is how I practice (practice being the key word here) being in relationship not only with my husband, but also the Universe:


I state my desire, clearly and from my heart, and then I lean back and let it happen.


Now please, don’t take this as “law” and assume this means you can never take the initiative of making reservations at a restaurant, for example.


My husband has a lot more on his plate than I do, so when I want a date, I’m often the one who plans it.


This is the season of life we’re in, and that is totally ok. It’s a dance. What’s important is that he clears his schedule and shows up excited to spend quality time together.


For this moment, that’s his way of taking care of the how.

If you peel back the layers you can still see that I had a desire, and he showed up to make it happen.


We’ve often misunderstood this piece and truly disempowered ourselves.


Endlessly waiting for a man to make the plans.


And then being disappointed that he’s not “masculine” enough because he didn’t lay out all the details for your date together.


But what if you could simply tell him what you want to do, and trust him to deliver?


How would that feel for you?


With love,
