How Much Do You Truly Trust The Universe To Deliver?

How do you communicate to the universe that you're ready for love while staying in your feminine energy? 🌎


This is a question that came up in my most recent Courageous Conversations class.


You may say all the affirmations, think all the thoughts, and direct your focus on getting this one thing. 


And that works… IF you feel aligned with what you want.


It can also feel like a daunting approach to continuously “try” and try.


The feminine way is to set the intention, make the clear ask to the universe, get as specific as feels good for you, and release control, stepping back and trusting that it’s coming. 


✨ Because…divine timing is a real thing. ✨


So what do you do in the meantime, while you wait and trust that it’s coming?


Ø  Live your life.

Ø  Go deeper into your self.

Ø  Keep clarifying your vision.

Ø  Take inspired actions that feel truly guided.

Ø  Revisit the vision from time to time.

Ø  And invite trust along the way.


The peace of space, detachment, and not checking in on it constantly, is essential.


How much do you truly trust the Universe to deliver?


And if the answer is a shy, “I don’t”...what might change if you practiced unwavering trust?


With love,
