How Guys Break Up With Women

Man in a leather coat

Breaking up is hard to do. We all know this. Nobody likes being broken up with, or doing the breaking up - especially guys. Where all that’s needed is a little honesty and vulnerability, they have a hard time saying the words, “we should end this.” Instead, all too often, they choose another way out. This is how guys break up with women:

They start distancing themselves slowly, and then a little more over time. They avoid emotional and intimate conversations, because well, they’re already halfway out of that relationship. They no longer say the same sweet things, or talk about future plans. They don’t show up when they say they will (figuratively and literally), or at least, as consistently as they used to; and it’s almost as if they’ve forgotten that they’re dating someone all together. They check out mentally, physically and emotionally, and we’re not talking about a few days here - this can go on for weeks...even months.

They basically start acting in a way where you’re left with no choice but to break up with them - and ultimately, that’s what they want you to do. I know this because it’s happened to me, more than once.

In my past relationships, I was the one who did the “breaking up” - but I certainly wasn’t breaking their hearts. They too had known that we should no longer be together, that we really weren’t a good fit. But, they didn’t have the courage to pull the plug on our obviously failing relationship.


Because the majority of guys (yes, there are exceptions) are afraid of looking like the bad guy - which of course, makes them look like the bad guy. They’re also sometimes ok with treading in the same grey waters for a longer period of time than most women are. Of course, I know I’ve made some big time generalizations here - and with reason. While this is what “guys” may do, men actually do it differently.

A man will take the time to get together with you, explain why your relationship is no longer working and let you know that he thinks it’s best that this comes to an end before anyone gets hurt. He respects you and the time, love and energy you’ve shared together. He's confident in his words and compassionate with your heart.

So if you ever end up with beautiful unicorn (not so rare) such as this one, please for the sake of all your sisters out there, thank him for his honesty and encourage his courage to speak up and express his feelings, rather than run away from them (and you) like the plague. Not only will he be assured that this is the best approach, he may also share with his friends, too.

Because how “guys” break up with women, is far different than how men do it.

Peace, love and respectful breakups,
