Expand Your Capacity to Receive

Understanding that you “should” be able to receive more in your relationships is not enough.

Your mind gets it, but until it fully lands in your body, the change will be fleeting.


That is why we incorporate the body in all the work that we do.


To expand your capacity to receive requires you to notice how your body responds when someone wants to give and do, for you.


Do you contract?

Hold your breath?

Do you want to run away?

Or perhaps say no thank you?

And offer to do something for them, instead?


Calming the nervous system is essential for receiving.


Receiving a moment.

Receiving pleasure.

Receiving compliments.

Receiving gifts.

Receiving help.


Calming the nervous system expands your capacity to receive because you feel safe enough, relaxed enough, to do so.


Notice your body right in this moment.


How relaxed and open does it feel?


Here’s the thing that I invite you to feel with the whole of your being:


The healthy expression of the masculine wants to give and provide, this is what it is designed to do. It’s the essence of the masculine.


If you’re always leaning forward ready to give and do, there is no space for him to enter and give to you.


The balance is off.


You feel it.


He feels it.


But you can’t quite put your finger on it.


Lean back, honey.


Relax, more.


This takes practice.


I'm hosting an 8-week program to practice exactly this and we begin next Tuesday!

Are you ready to be she who receives?


With love,
