Dating The Feminine Way

I get asked all the time about dating the feminine way.🌹

Here's part 1 of what I've got for you:

#1 STOP:

Sending long verbose messages before you even know who this man is on the other side.


Sending short, sweet, thoughtful messages that gives just a little at a time. Let him savour you and crave for more.

#2 STOP:

Answering messages that start with “hey, how are you?”.


Responding only to those who clearly read your profile and ask an interesting question. The reverse of this is also true for women starting conversations.

#3 STOP:

Answering messages as soon as they come in.


Putting your phone away for periods at a time so that there’s some spaciousness between the first message and your response. *the feminine paces the eager masculine!

#4 STOP:

Scrolling through the apps in a negative mind and emotional space.


Getting in a relaxed, open and playful vibe before engaging online.

#5 STOP:

Texting for days on end with no plans to meet each other.


Saying “I’d love to save some of this conversation for when we see each other.” Open the door. Let him walk through it.

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