What If We Saw the "God" in Each Other

Blue sky with clouds

This post is a little different than my usual… 

It’s not about romantic love, but it is about love. 

Have you ever noticed how when children pass each other on the street, they stop and stare at each other with such awe? 

You might just say they’re noticing another little one like them. 

...but what I wonder is, “do kids see the God in each other”? 

Oof. Just saying that gives me chills.

 Is it possible that what kids see in each other’s eyes is their truest connection to Source? 

Something that so many of the adults around them seem to have lost? 

Saying this makes me both sad and hopeful, all at once. 

What would it be like if we could cross each other on the street and see the God in each other’s eyes? 

How would we treat each other differently? 

Could we drop the judgments? 

How much more connection could we experience? 

I don’t believe we could ever hurt each other if we saw each other in this way. 

I think that we would honour, deeply, deeply honour, each person that we cross paths with. 

And even if that person belongs in our lives for a brief moment, we could accept them, exchange our energy, and let it pass - knowing there’s someone else to experience Source with. 

What a beautiful reality this would be… 

If we could see each other in this way. 

Dream about it <3 

With love,
