What A Thriving Relationship Does For Your Life

There’s no question about it, meeting Jack and being in a healthy relationship with him gave me the solid foundation I needed to make big moves in my life.

Which is slightly contradictory to some of what you’ve heard me say. I talk a big game about how living your best life attracts your love.

The thing is, my best life simply got better with him in it.

I didn’t know this at the time, but in retrospect I can see it all so clearly.

When I met Jack, everything started to shift for me.

The company I was working with at the time, whom I had used as a crutch to avoid stepping into my own greatness, needed to go.

I started to blog online with all this new found inspiration from my relationship with him. This blogging launched me into coaching - which in turned into my most lucrative, freeing, fulfilling work yet.

I let some friendships go and re-evaluated my habits - nothing is more embarrassing than having your new beau discover how messy you can really be - am I right??

Being with Jack, and having his stable loving presence in my life gave me a sense of security which balanced all the more wild decisions I was about to make - like leave a full time job, start my own business, buy multiple properties, and of course I can’t leave out - have a baby (the wildest of em all!).

No, you don’t need a man to do all these things.

So why do I share this with you?

Because too often women have a hard time accepting that this area needs their positive attention. They’re so accustomed to stressing about it, that they don’t see how it’s holding them back.

Healthy relationships actually encompass the first three layers of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs (yes, physiological too ;), and having this solid foundation, this strong platform on which to stand gifts you the freedom to keep thriving in your career and self-actualization journey.

And if you currently aren’t in a relationship, know this:

However great your life is now, it’s about to get better with that loving partner in it. And in the meantime, you can give yourself that solid foundation by building a healthy connection with yourself and loving up on the (right) people in your life.

Peace & love,


BlogMirror, Reflection, relationships