Feeling the Synchronicity

Dancing woman

It can be hard in this life of endless distractions, to truly know & feel when you're on the right track, or which decision to make. That’s why the feeling of being in sync with something or someone, feels so damn good.

Do you know the feeling?

It's almost like you're dancing with the Universe, or singing in perfect harmony together. Whether it be related to a job, hobby, passion, person, friend, lover – it just feels right.

Natural Flow

A sure way to detect this synchronicity is how you feel (there's that word again), about the time you're spending doing it. Is it beneficial and uplifting? Are you learning and smiling? Does it seem as if the Universe is speaking to you and teaching you, through this person or encounter? If you’ve ever experienced this before, you know exactly what I’m talking about.

Life often appears difficult because of our stubborn resistance and our intent to force situations. We push and push in an effort to keep or make a specific situation happen, instead of allowing the natural flow to occur - bringing you from one instance to the next.

But in order to recognize this positive vibe, you must begin to take note whenever it occurs.

Embracing Synchronicity

If you meet a new friend and it feels like you were absolutely supposed to know this person: this is synchronicity. If you join a group or start a project that feeds your spirit and awakens your senses: this is synchronicity. If you meet a special someone who speaks your language and inspires you: this is synchronicity. The list goes on.

The trick is to remain aware and, ultimately, to follow your bliss.

Peace, love and feeling the synchronicity,

Ask Diana