Creating an Empowered Relationship Vision

Eye in leaves

This past weekend, I spoke at a day retreat in Ottawa about 'how to create the love you want'. I guided a group of men & women through creating their ideal relationship vision and most importantly, aligning to it. 

Businesses create visions all the time, for their company, their growth, their future. You may have even ventured into vision board making once or twice - nice shiny car, big house on the water, sexy man in your life, or something of the sorts. But how about a vision for your ideal relationship - something that I know matters to you.

Visions offer clarity for what you want so you can either set the foundation for the relationship to come, or intentionally carve out the time to live that vision in the relationship you're in, now. They also helps you engage in thoughts, words and actions that are aligned to your vision - so that you can live your most fulfilled life. Visions help your mind to “see” what you want, which makes it both easier to believe and achieve. 

Before you go running off to dream up your perfect relationship, I’d like to offer one little (big) nugget of advice:

Make your relationship vision from an empowered place, not a fearful lack-based one.

There’s a difference between creating your vision based on all the things that went wrong in your past relationships that you don’t want to create again, and creating your vision based on all the things you deserve and are excited to experience. 

I suggest creating your empowered relationship vision when you’re feeling good - actually, make that great. And be careful not to fall into the trap of talking about all the things you don’t want. Talk instead about what you DO want - give more life and energy to that.

That being said, since you may be clearer on what you don’t want, you can start by writing those things down and then writing the opposite. This is just a starting point, because we want to take this so much further than simply creating the reverse of what you’ve experienced in the past - this is your opportunity to get clear and honest on what you truly want to experience in your ideal relationship, independent of any past hurt or mistakes. And if you're feeling really confident, you can even venture into all the things you actually liked and enjoyed about your exes! Talk about empowering yourself. 

The idea is to get crystal clear on your core desired feelings. You want to get real intimate with the details of how this relationship looks and feels. You want it to feel like you're already there, living that glorious experience.

To help you do this, I suggest taking a few deep mindful breaths to go beyond what your mind thinks it wants (and thinks it should want), to access that deeper voice, your inner knowing, so that you can create your vision from a place beyond ego, beyond societal expectations and beyond any prejudices you may have.

Peace, love and empowered relationship vision,
