Don’t Fall In Love. RISE in Love

Couple on bike ride

Do you ever wonder why we refer to the process of realizing you love someone, and feeling those deep rooted feelings of affection towards another (usually in reference to romantic love), as falling in love? Why is it not more commonly referred to as rising in love?

When we say falling, it represents the idea that we are losing a piece of ourselves, as we build a potentially unhealthy attachment to the object of our affection (or in this case, is it the object of our obsession?). We are falling; slowly losing our minds and our control over it, along with our vulnerable soft hearts.

The power of the rise

If I may, I believe a much more suitable term to describe a healthy love, would be to say we are rising in it. Doesn’t it just sound more elevating and enlightening? If you had to choose rising or falling in your career, which would you choose? I believe that going up (unless perhaps we’re talking about our weight, which even then can be a great thing, if it means we are getting stronger), is always better. A love in which you rise, sounds to me like a love in which you, as a person, get better, wiser, even happier than you were before (which hopefully, was already very happy). It sounds like the type of love where you can build something great with one another; whether it be a business, home, family, life path, or any other positive creation. It sounds like a love that is true and unwavering; the type of love that keeps you smiling, and not frowning, where respect and appreciation for one another is profound.

rising together

I imagine it to be like a soft fluffy cloud (you know, like those Philadelphia cream cheese clouds), where you sit together, hand in hand, and rise, rise, rise, as far as you wish to go. I don’t know about you, but flying and rising sounds like a lot more fun than falling, and likely, getting badly hurt.

Peace, love and happy rising,
