We're Having a...Boy or Girl, What's Your Guess?

Baby Feet

I'm so excited to finally tell you that we're having a....


A sweet little man, a mini Jack, a blessing of all blessings.

A few weeks ago, I made my pregnancy announcement. In the meantime, my sister had insisted that we keep the sex a secret and do a big reveal for our family and friends (Jack and I have known for weeks). So in honour of baby boy's auntie, we granted her wish and kept our lips sealed...until now!

I have to tell you, I knew this booboo was a boy from the moment I saw those two pink lines on the pregnancy test - actually, we both did - actually, my whole family did. I guess we could really feel his energy!

So as I slowly spill the beans, a lot of people want to know how I feel about raising a little guy.

The truth?I feel honoured, and like I'm doing this world the greatest service by raising a little boy who I know will grow to be a great man like his father. This world could use more kind, humble and appreciative men. Not to mention, sons are real sweet to their mommies.

And when I picture him hanging with his daddy and his aunt & uncles...ouf, my heart just about explodes.

I think a lot of people expected me to have a girl because well, I'm a woman and a pretty feminine one at that. But I've always been excited at the thought of having either, or maybe one day, both.  Boy or girl, I believe that each is such a unique experience - and above all, a greatest blessing.

Raising a boy is certainly new territory for me (raising anyone, really), and it's an adventure I'm so excited to embark on. I think the biggest gift I can share with him is the confidence to think for himself and carve his own path. He may have chosen me to be the vessel for his entrance into this world but I certainly do not own him or his future; he is a new life and a new hope for this world.

While I don't like to wish away time, I dream of the day I get to meet this baby. To see his eyes and his smile, to laugh with him and to play with him, to learn from him and to teach him, and most of all, to know his heart. My little homie, I love him so much already.

“No one else will ever know the strength of my love for you. After all, you’re the only one who knows the sound of my heart from the inside.” 

Peace & so much love,


BlogBaby reveal, Boy, Girl