How Life Gets More Positive When You Do

Woman in field

You can’t turn a corner these days (or more like open up a web page), without running into someone who’s preaching all kinds of positive talk.

“Just be positive and all is on its way”. Well, doesn’t that sound like a nice pile of b.s. That is of course, until you understand why.

So, how is it that your life gets more positive when you do?

You become more attractive to positive people and experiences, and you perceive more people and experiences as positive.

Mind-blowing, right?

I kid, I kid. But seriously, have you ever heard anything so sophisticatedly simple? And all pessimism aside – doesn’t it just make sense?

As you become more positive, you get brighter. And as you get brighter, more people notice you and flock to you. Your energy, or your vibe, matches up with people and things that vibrate at the same frequency. You're more attracted to them, and they're more attracted to you - which in this case, happens to be a good thing.

“I think people who vibrate at the same frequency, vibrate toward each other. They call it, in science, sympathetic vibrations.” Erykah Badu

Now add to this that the more positive you get, the more you’ll perceive people and experiences as being positive – and you’re well on your way to your own physical nirvana.

Because, everything, is energy. And your perspective & thoughts, and where you focus them, will determine your energy, your vibe.

But what about those times when you were so positive, all bubbly and smiling with enthusiasm, but still everything went wrong? What about those times? Where were your positive attraction vibes then?

First of all, you can’t fake positivity. You can practice it, but you can’t pretend.

Second, if you were to step into your subconscious, and be honest about its state - how positive were you really? Were negative thoughts still the more dominant ones? How often did doubt creep its way in – or even yet, how often did you intentionally tap into it? Were you really in an energetic match with the thing(s) you wanted?

And finally, sometimes things don’t come around exactly how you pictured them, because the Universe is showing you a different path for getting to the same place.

But what about the times you attracted some twisted people, like say, your crazy ex-boyfriend? What happened then?

That’s a deep question, with an equally deep answer. But in a nutshell, something in you that maybe hadn’t been explored, or given the space to fully express itself, was bringing down your vibration –even if from the outside, you looked, and actually felt, like you were “being” positive.

It’s a game you see. And it can be fun to play, if you let it.

Even when the worst of things happens, it may not seem like a fun game then, but how you choose to see it, react to it and process it (in time of course), is always your choice.

When we can start to open our minds and our hearts to the possibility that life can be enjoyed, even in the times that challenge us the most, we become more positive. When we choose to see situations as happening for us, and that there's something great on the other side – like an opportunity, or a chance for growth - we become more positive. And when we choose to see people through a lens of love, empathy and compassion, and not through judgment, we can see the beauty in people more often than not- and yep, we become more positive.

Positivity doesn’t mean being in denial, or positively faking your way through life.

Positivity is the culmination of small shifts in your perspective towards more positive ones. Every situation, every day, presents an opportunity to choose seeing from the lens of positivity, and to raise your vibe high.

Peace, love and positive living,
