10 Questions to Ask Yourself Before You Sleep With Him

In my world, there are no rules.

Whether you wait two weeks or two months, these are questions that will help guide your decision on when you’re ready to sleep with someone.

If a committed relationship with a devoted man is what you desire, pay attention!

1. Is there any part of me that’s doing this to keep him interested?
***Spoiler alert: it won’t

2. Do I feel close enough to him to say anything meaningful or vulnerable? (If you can’t tell him you like him or that you require sexual monogamy, for example, you aren’t emotionally connected to him yet)

3. How do I imagine I’ll feel afterwards?

4. How will I feel if we sleep together and this connection doesn’t go anywhere?

5. Is there any part of me that is doing this to please him?

6. Do I know this person well enough to share my body with him?

7. What evidence do I have of his interest, commitment and devotion?

8. Have we built an emotional foundation?

9. What does the wiser part of me want?

10. What’s the rush?

All of us desire devotion from a man, but we don't know how to inspire it. We were taught to chase it and perform to receive it - but this is actually repelling the masculine's natural instinct to pursue YOU.

With love,
